Saturday, September 29, 2007

Positive Thinking For A Healthy Life

Five ways to a happy and healthy life.

1) Think positive. Make a point of looking at the bright side of even the most stressful situations.

2) Smile. Putting a smile on your face sends the message 'happy' to your brain.

3) Choose friends carefully. Don't spend time with pessimists or anyone who always looks on the black side of life.

4) Believe. Most people trundle through life without thinking deeply about what it all means. Ask yourself whether you believe in a god or not. Why do you believe one way or the other? Are they your beliefs or have you picked them up from someone else.

5) Like yourself. Learn to like the person you are. Be proud of yourself. Think aboutyour good points. Don't apologise for being alive. Don't concentrate on your bad points. If you don't it's probable that nobody else will.

A happy person is far more likely to be a healthy person.

For information on healthy living e-mail Subject 'Health'

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